Bitcoin Cash Cloud Mining

Investing in bitcoin cash cloud mining is one of the many options to get Bitcoin Cash (BCH), though not the easiest one as it takes some time and it is considered as a longterm investment. The easiest option is just to buy BCH on an exchange.

Bitcoin Cash is not Bitcoin

Bitcoin Cash is a hard forked version of the original bitcoin. It is a continuation of the bitcoin project. BCH has upgraded consensus rules that allow it to grow and scale. Bitcoin Cash is decentralized, with no central bank, and requires no trusted third parties to operate. It is mostly run by the Chinese and has a larger block size. Regarding mining, it is similar to bitcoin. The protocol is proof of work SHA-256 hashing, same block times, same supply, and reward system. We must say it again, Bitcoin Cash cloud mining is different than bitcoin cloud mining.

Top Bitcoin Cash Cloud Mining Providers

At the moment, there are a few cloud mining providers on the market that offer bitcoin cash mining. However, please choose wisely as contracts vary, and it is quite hard to compare them. Putting your resources into the best cloud mining platform is the most sensible thing to do. There is no Bitcoin Cash cloud mining free option at the moment.

  • Pool – has partnered with the largest bitcoin mining farm in North America, to source cloud mining hashrate at the best value. After you buy your chosen hashrate, you can decide whether you will mine bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash (check “purchased contract” section of your account). You can also choose to mine the most profitable coin automatically. A 5-year plan costs 219$ per TH/s. Entry to cloud mining with them is higher than with other providers.
  • ViaBTC – they offer mining pools for major competing coins and cloud mining products. You need to create an account with them, and once you are registered, you need to buy S9 cloud mining contract in increments of one TH/s. At the moment, they are selling Bitcoin Cash cloud mining for $59.99 per TH/s. If you have purchased S9 cloud mining contracts, you can switch between mining BTC and BCH as you wish. The Cloud mining contract is on lifetime term as long as it is profitable. If they are out of stock, you can buy hashrate in the built-in marketplace! High performance AsicBoost mining has been available in ViaBTC since Oct 26th, 2018.
  • IQ mining – they introduced brand new SHA-256 Bitcoin Cash contracts with up to 200% yearly returns (if you believe). SHA-256 BCH contracts are available in 1 year, two years, five years, and Lifetime terms. These mining contracts are issued with a limited supply, so you might want to hurry up. They force you to create an account in some particular exchange to withdraw, which is crazy stupid.

Why Bitcoin Cash Cloud Mining?

If you want to invest in mining without the hassle of managing your hardware and software, cloud mining might be the right thing for you. This way, you can buy mining power placed in remote data centers. Cloud mining offers a unique option for mining with a low cost of entry.

It lets you rent the hashing power of mining hardware owned by the mining provider. Cloud mining exempts you from software configuration, power charges, and monitoring. And there are always other complexities connected with mining on your hardware. The cloud infrastructure is usually set up in server farms that have access to cheaper electricity (typically green, solar). Therefore, you can earn Bitcoin Cash with BCH cloud mining without spending too much on electricity and mining hardware.

Bitcoin Cash Cloud Mining Profitability

You probably ask yourself: is Bitcoin Cash cloud mining profitable?
Our cloud mining plan at Pool has 1 TH/s mining power (protocol SHA-256) and gives us very little cloud mining revenue daily. Electricity and daily maintenance fee cost more than it is revenue from mining (current BCH price is approx $480). The same plan currently costs $219, meaning that you will not make any profit if the price of BCH stays the same.

Updated september 21, 2018

Bitcoin Cash Cloud Mining Farm copyright @ Pool

Other Bitcoin Cash cloud mining providers

Some are untested, please use them at your own risk.

  • Eobot – they offer Cloud SHA-256 mining. With Eobot you can easily switch between different cloud mining contracts.
  • NiceHash – hashpower marketplace where you can buy or sell hashing power without contracts from other providers. Recommended for advanced users.
  • CCG Mining – offers cloud mining contracts as well as whole mining rigs! Probably not legitimate.
  • Genesis Mining – is offering hardware rental for mining purposes. They are world’s leading hashpower provider! Beside bitcoin you can also mine altcoins and they recently stated that are “considering adding Bitcoin Cash to our portfolio and will update you on the overall progress soon”.


  • Why are cloud mining providers selling mining contracts and not keep the profit for themselves? See this answer why.
  • Find some other discussions on Bitcoin Cash cloud mining at Reddit.
  • Coin Dance shows the latest statistics of Bitcoin Cash blocks mined by each mining pool. Currently the biggest pools are:, BMG Pool, ViaBTC and Coingeek
  • Find more about the protocol that is running behind Bitcoin Cash.
  • Please check bitcoin cloud mining section if you are interested in minig the original coin.
Bitcoin Cash Cloud Mining was last modified: May 27th, 2021 by +Bitcoin